SCTA Group Health Insurance Trust

New plan offerings through the SCTA Group Health Insurance Trust are available NOW!
What is the SCTA Group Health Insurance Trust?
Groups of all sizes are looking for ways to control the rising cost of health insurance. The SCTA Group Insurance Trust is a solution to ACA imposed regulations, through a fully-insured program.
The SCTA Group Insurance Trust can help your company avoid the ACA Community Rating and join a large group pool of trucking companies to help control costs. Any South Carolina based trucking company and companies that directly support the trucking industry can participate in the plan.
Member Benefits:
- Groups with 2 or more benefit eligible employees may be eligible participate in the SCTA Group Health Insurance Trust plans.
- The SCTA Group Health Insurance Trust plans will not be subject to the “Essential Health Benefits” Requirement.
- The SCTA Group Health Insurance Trust plans will offer composite rates, not the age banded rates of small group.
- By joining the SCTA Health Insurance Trust, you are eligible for large group plan designs and premium benefits.
- Your group may choose from a wide variety of plans to meet your specific needs.
"SCTA Insurance Services is much more than a run-of-the-mill healthcare brokerage service. It is an arm of the SC Trucking Association. SCTA’s mission is to support, promote, educate, and legislatively uphold the transportation companies operating in South Carolina. Scott Woodberry is dedicated 100% to serving SCTA’s members and is laser focused on offering healthcare packages that are affordable and provide good quality benefits for employees and their families. The SCTA Group Insurance Trust is an excellent program with a wide variety of options through the state’s largest healthcare provider Blue Cross Blue Shield. Anyone in the transportation industry should consider using SCTA Insurance Services for their healthcare benefits."
Jerry Smith - Associated Petroleum Carriers, Inc.
"SCTA Insurance Services allows us to offer competitive employee benefits and pricing that helps us retain drivers and increase driver satisfaction with our company. We would encourage you to see what SCTA offers."
Shelley Bowman – Beech Island Timber/ Wade H Trucking, Inc.
Contact Scott Woodberry for more details or to request a quote: